Monday, February 2, 2009

Unbiased energy saving opinions

So far the winter here in Indiana has been brutally cold. Here in Fishers, we reached 14 degrees below zero, the coldest in 5 years. Everyone's energy bills have certainly reflected this. But, are we just hostage to mother nature and the utility companies? Could we really use new windows, or more insulation? If you ask anyone who sells these products, the answer to the latter will always be yes. How does one really know?

Recently, a customesr pointed out to me that one room in her house had new windows. After performing a thermal survey, I pointed out to her that the new windows were not much better than the old ones. The old ones were actually fairly decent. There were a few simple things that a homeowner or do-it-yourselfer could do to make them better.

That is why we at Energy Doctors do not sell any products, such as doors windows HVAC equipment, insulation or even energy. We give a totally unbiased report on the exact condition of a home's thermal envelope, indicating exactly what and where the problems are. What better way than to use a thermal imaging camera that actually sees heat? The camera does not have an agenda. If one really does need the products and services of a window company or insulation contrator, we will be happy to make recommendations.

There are certainly things that a homeowner can do to improve a home's energy efficiency. (Check out the link to the DOE website for more information.) However, even the best home inspector cannot see what is going on inside of walls, or see air infiltration. That is why every time we have done a thermal survey of a contractor's own home, we have found surprises that they did not expect. That is exactly the point of our service, and we are happy to be of assistance.


Brent King said...

It is the only way to inspect a home.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be effective.
Roof Leaks